Elevated Water Storage Tanks
Elevated water storage tanks fulfill two primary functions: storing water for fire protection and supplying potable drinking water to a designated area or community. Utilizing gravity, these tanks maintain consistent water pressure throughout the system. They are available in various shapes, sizes, and materials customized to meet specific requirements and the needs of the distribution area.
Here are four proven advantages of placing Elevated Water Storage Tanks:
1. It creates more water pressure.
The elevated positioning of a water storage tank facilitates the delivery of water with enhanced pressure. This is a fundamental principle of physics: water flows in the direction of gravitational force, leading to greater pressure with increased height. Numerous studies suggest that for every foot the unit is elevated above a hundred feet, there is a significant increase of approximately 0.43 pounds per square inch in pressure.
2. It eliminates the expense and installation of a pump.
In a typical household where a stainless steel water storage tank is used for drinking water, a water pump is frequently unnecessary. When the tank is positioned at an appropriate height in relation to the house plumbing, it can generate adequate pressure. Additionally, elevating the tank is likely to provide sufficient pressure for a water tank designated solely for gardening and other outdoor uses. Essentially, opting not to use a pump can lead to substantial cost savings.
3. It prevents contamination.
Tanks are frequently positioned at higher elevations for practical reasons. This step aids in preventing the infiltration of excessive sediments and other foreign materials into the system. It’s crucial to recognize that the longer sediments remain in a water tank, the higher the risk of contamination and the proliferation of pathogens.
4. It provides convenient access for repairs.
Positioning fixtures above ground greatly simplifies routine maintenance accessibility. In case of leaks, they are comparatively easier to detect and repair. This is why numerous tank suppliers, such as Firstank Philippines, offer a complimentary ladder with their units.
It’s not obligatory to place your water storage tanks at the highest point of your residence or structure; they can also be installed on the ground level. Nonetheless, channeling water flow through the pipelines may necessitate external assistance.
Choosing an Elevated Water Tank
When selecting the optimal elevated water tank, several factors must be considered, including height, construction, capacity, size, shape, and requirements for cold protection. A well-designed installation of an elevated water tank ensures dependable and efficient water distribution throughout the service area.
Height: The height of an elevated water storage tank directly influences the water pressure experienced by the community. Towers should consistently provide a minimum of 20 psi of water pressure to users within the distribution system, although the standard pressure is often higher, typically ranging between 60 and 70 psi. It’s essential that the height of the elevated tank is sufficient to maintain a consistent minimum pressure level across all points within the distribution area.

Size and Capacity
When selecting a water storage tower, it’s vital to assess both the tank’s storage capacity and the anticipated usage. Water usage projections, taking into account factors such as community growth and emergency usage, are essential for determining whether the elevated water storage tank has adequate capacity to fulfill demand.
Design and Construction
Engineers need to consider multiple factors like intended usage, water quality, pressure needs, and environmental implications when selecting the suitable design and materials for a water tank. The decision on materials and design features will be guided by factors such as soil quality, the consistency of the area, potential seismic events, strong winds, and extreme temperatures. It’s crucial to assess the installation site and anticipate any challenges that may arise with field-erected tanks.
Importance of Cold Resistance
During subzero temperatures, elevated water tanks face the risk of freezing, potentially leading to the community losing access to a reliable water supply. To prevent freezing, different heating techniques for water tanks can be utilized, such as gravity circulation, steam coils, or direct steam discharge.
Elevated Water Storage Tank Applications
Apart from municipal water storage, elevated storage tanks provide a dependable solution for a diverse range of other applications, such as:
- Fire protection
- Process water
- Emergency cooling
Elevated Water Storage Tank Maintenance
Regular maintenance of elevated storage tanks is crucial to ensure optimal tank performance and water quality. Industry standards set by AWWA, along with federal, state, and local regulations, typically recommend inspecting water tanks every 3-5 years.
During inspections, professionals thoroughly assess the tank’s coating, joints, fixtures, surfaces, and foundation to confirm stability and functionality. Any identified flaws or irregularities should be promptly addressed to prevent issues such as leaks, pressure loss, and water contamination from worsening. To prevent sediment buildup and potential contamination caused by loose, leaking, or damaged tank components, regular water quality testing is advisable.
For reliable local service, trust our team at Panel Tanks by American Tanks! With our extensive experience and friendly customer service, we offer trusted services in Houston, Texas, and Long Beach, California. Contact us at +1 800 656 0167 to ensure your tank maintenance meets the highest standards!